Persistence Bit

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Mario Masullo & Andrea Gabriele


1-Few birds 2-Breathless 3-Underclouds 4-Picnic 5-Fantastic trees 6-Saturated Feeling 7-What\'s love 8-Noiseringer 9-Ok i wanna do it 10-Outdoor mantra 11-Dub in blue

Persistencebit proudly presents the second release on Bitmedia series by two important names of the Italian electronic scene: Mario Masullo (Defrag Records)and Andrea Gabriele(authors themself of various records and various collaborations with other important musicians).

They started their collaboration in Symbiosis Orchestra with other musicians using computer,drum machine, and other devices
For this work the duo use mainly acoustic instruments better suited to the goal that Mario and Andrea had in their minds right from the start: to mix their various musical influences such as jazz,Latin,soul, echoes of Canterbury pop, in order to create songs that are as close to pop songs as to experimental music.

So we can hear the beautiful Spanish guitar on "Breathless" or the sax in "Dub in blue". that remind us of the unforgettable atmosphere of the first Clock Dva work ,"Thirst"; or the guitar on "Few birds", with its soul jazz mood; the mysterious moment "Underclouds" on which the sound of a flute and of an acoustic guitar surface, taking the listener to a fabulous dimension that seems really so close to the Court of Crimson King!
“Fantastic Trees" and "Saturated Feeling" are maybe the peak of the album,both tracks being inspired for their use of vocals or such instruments as the flute, so close to the best pages of the Canterbury sound... really charming!
"Yes I wanna do it" mixes synth heavy jazz and Latin funk rhythms with a distant voice; "Outdoor Mantra" is a fantastic dream that seems to take us to another dimension,maybe in a wonderland.

Paraphrasing the title, maybe The colours do not move the people - but sure plunge in a beautiful dream from which it\'s really difficult to awake.

Absolutely not to be missed!

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